Thursday, December 28, 2006

day 5

It's been so long since we've gotten to a computer...Steph and I are beginning to despair of finishing our homework before we get back to the U.S. because we'd rather update this.

my memory is a little rusty, but i think we spent all of day five just shopping in banciao. it was a bit drizzly, but it was still fun. kari got some really gorgeous shoes for prom, and i have yet to find anything. compared to the states, everything here is really cheap. we must've bought at least 5 pairs of earrings each already because each pair is usually only about one dollar.

While we were out we bought some pork buns for dinner (quite good) and I tried some guava juice..we're still having trouble finding skim milk here. There only seems to be lowfat.

So not much else to update on day five.

basically we eat and sleep. life of a pig. (shop, too, but pigs don't do that) please don't be alarmed when i return obese. kari just doesn't seem to gain any weight. but i do. so you are warned

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